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January 2015 to October 2016, up to 10000 refugees were living in the, at the time called, "Calais Jungle". In November 2018, when i took part of a project on field with the ngos Help Refugees, Utopia56, RCK, the numbers are still shocking. 

After the big eviction of 2016 many refugees are still living in several areas around the cities of Calais and Dunkirk. The situation hasn't changed and, if possible, is even worse. Refugees still rely on ngos support when it comes on clothings and basic need items. Abuse from the police (CRS in particular) is still taking place almost every day and with the winter approaching the living conditions are really tough. Sanitary system and potable water are not available on sites. 

Most of the refugees are Kurdish, Afgani, Ethiopians and below 35yo. Most of them are attempting to reach England where there's family members or friends waiting for them. Few families and minors are still living in the camps risking their lives during the cold nights of northern France. 

A large number of volunteers work endlessly day and night to provide the highly needed support in the camps. Warm meals are cooked and served every day in different camps, clothes are sorted and distributed, wood is cut and delivered, medical and legal support is available every day and a school bus is taking care of the education of the minors. While the situation is far from being solved the donations are not enough to keep the system going while the fear of the winter ahead is more and more vivid in everyone's eyes.

© 2013-2023 by SABRINA DATTRINO

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